Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Year of Travel

Between the 2011 and 2012 academic year, I have planned several amazing trips to see several amazing people...let the blogging around the country begin!

First Stop: The East Coast!

In Times Square Waiting for the Lion King to Start!

My 24th birthday (and Golden Birthday) was on Thanksgiving--so we celebrated at the Macy's Parade!

Me on the Boston Harbor

Destination 2: Sundance Film Festival!!!
Sara Ramos of Parenthood just chillin'! Love her!

My besties at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City, UT!

Remember me?! Joshua Jackson in the house! (ran into him several times, and just wanted to start the quack!)

Katie holding up our Sundance guides

Jackie and myself getting reading to head to Park City, UT

Film Fest Commotion

We headed up to the Sundance Resort where it all began...
The Sundance Lodge in all its glory :)

Tabernacle Square! Hello Mormon country!

Valentines Day--Not Just for Couples!

I LOVE VALENTINES DAY! Even when I have been single on Valentines day, I have always enjoyed having a day to show everyone how much they are loved! Of course there are the nay-sayers who put me down each year and call it "Singles Awareness Day" or something of the like... but I say, GET OVER IT! They too will be Valentines of someone special soon enough, and until then, share the love!

This Valentines day, I decided to focus my energy on showing some love to my friends and family. And since my wonderful boyfriend is 8+ hours away, it was the perfect time to celebrate everyone who is close to me! I made up little gift packages for my friends, sent my far away friend in Utah a nice dress, and sent my boyfriend a manila envelope full of sweet treats!

And let's not forget the super-girly inspired fashion! I anticipate wearing pink dresses, floral prints, red high heels and lots of lipstick and ruche every sweethearts day. Having an excuse to dress like a little girl in curls and pearls is always a good thing!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ah....pinterest (con't)

Ok so last time I was discussing my pinterest projects...but like always, holidays come, I get busy and everything else falls to the backburner!

A few projects I did complete...

Re-Vamped my chalkboard!

Successfully mastered the inside-out giant braid. Love.

Decorated my teeny-tiny tree :)

Made about 1,000 pieces of white chocolate peppermint bark! (a family fav)

Well this is it for now... I realized pictures are where it's at because, they are worth a thousand words, right?! See... still doing things for the write reason. Love to all!

Coming soon to my blog...

Valentine's Day! (Not just for couples)

Cate's Closet--my million outfit or outfoes.

Sundance Film Festival '12: Been there, Done that... (celeb pics included ;)