Thursday, November 10, 2011


So I have recently become a member of This is my new time waster. There have been social networking sites, or IM programs that I have spent many many hours on...but nothing quite like this. Being a crafter/junk re-purposer, pinterest, a site for sharing creative ideas and inspiration, keeps me busy for hours on end! Searching for great new projects has been made easier than ever with this site...and I urge you to give it a look! If you happen so sign up for an account...follow me, @catiedebates!

Here are some of the projects I will be attempting, and then blogging about, in the near future...

Boot Socks

Glass Block Snowman

These are just a couple...but there are more to come like sweater mittens, yarn mache ornaments, holiday recipes, and great gift ideas! Can you tell I am more than excited for the Christmas season? I thrive on the merriment that comes along but once a year, and love sharing ideas that will keep me busy while I am bundled up inside, safe and warm from the Minnesota winter. So please...comment with your favorite holiday joys!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween in Review: Prep, Party, Perfection!

My Halloween party was a great success! Our food was delicious, our guests were happy, and most importantly... my house came out unscathed!

Here are some of the highlights from the evening...

My lovely co-host, Katie Rae, making Witch Hat Cookies!

Witch Hat Cookies: super easy to make and adorable!

Chocolate dipped pretzel rods a.k.a nasty fingers

My popcorn balls...put 'em on skewers and they become Magic Wands..oOoooOoo

Party prep...oh the decorating!

All the jack-o-lantern and poisoned apple cupcakes waiting to be displayed!

Katie Rae...a toddler in tiara! (she sewed this costume by hand!)

Mermaid and Captain Jack! (My boyfriend and I worked SO hard on our couples costume this year, and when we went out on actual Halloween, we didn't have the energy to put back on the elaborate costumes and came up with...)

Nerds! These were super easy and fun to create... next year, I suggest forgoing the expensive costumes, and pulling your resources for something funny, comfy, and memorable!